Credit Event Fixings
Credit Fixings Holding Page
Avon Prods Inc

Avon Prods Inc CDS Credit Event Auction

24 September 2024

On 24 September 2024, the auction to settle the credit derivative trades for Avon Products, Inc. CDS is to be held.

For details of the Americas Determinations Committee decision, and other details related to Avon Products, Inc. CDS, please see the Avon Prods Inc CDS Credit Event Details

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Results are due to be published according to the following timetable:

Initial Bidding Period09:30-10:00 EST
Results of Initial Bidding Period11:00 EST
Subsequent Bidding Period13:30-14:00 EST
Final Results15:00 EST

Participating Bidders in the CDS Auction
Barclays Bank PLC
BNP Paribas SA
Bofa Securities, Inc.
Citigroup Global Markets Inc.
Deutsche Bank AG
Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC
J.P. Morgan Securities LLC
Société Générale

For general information on Credit Event Auctions please see the Credit Event Auction Primer (PDF)